What Is Trauma Therapy?
Trauma therapy, or trauma-focused therapy, is a specific approach to therapy that is built on the understanding of how traumatic experiences affect an individual’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This type of therapy aims to help children, adolescents, and adult survivors heal from the effects of trauma.
There are three main types of traumas that patients may be dealing with:
· Acute Trauma stems from a singular traumatic experience
· Chronic Trauma occurs when a person experiences multiple, long-term, and/or prolonged traumatic events.
· Complex Trauma or (Developmental Trauma) is trauma that repeatedly occurs over time and has a cumulative impact. Complex trauma is often associated with childhood trauma. Early experience of trauma can leave a deep imprint on your worldview, sense of self, and relationships.
These are some common forms of trauma that therapy can address; however, it’s important to note that trauma can include any event or experience that causes emotional or psychological harm.
*Abuse *Abandonment *Accidents
*Bullying *Crime *Death of a loved one
*Divorce *Domestic abuse or violence *Homelessness
*Illness *Imprisonment *Injury
*Job loss *Life-threatening circumstances *Natural disasters
*Near death experience *Neglect *Racism
*Sexual assault *Terrorism *Violence
*Witnessing an accident, death, or traumatic situation
As noted above, trauma can stem from a one-time event, a long-lasting situation, or a combination of both. Any of these events can lead to a trauma response and/or the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
PTSD is a disorder in which a person has difficulty recovering after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions. Symptoms may include nightmares or unwanted memories of the trauma, avoidance of situations that bring back memories of the trauma, heightened reactions, anxiety, or depressed mood.
It is important to know that this process of healing from trauma takes time, and Christian Counseling Professionals are here to help. Each person’s trauma is unique with its own set of biological, physiological, neurological, and psychological needs and reactions. Similarly, the patient’s age, gender, developmental environment, medications, diversity, socioeconomic conditions, and more are all factors that can alter what type of trauma-focused therapy is best suited for your trauma symptoms.